
Osmar Petry

I'm a software engineer based in Brazil with +6 years of experience in the software industry. My focus area for the past few years has been front-end development with React, testing and Typescript, but I'm also skilled in back-end development with Node.js.


Senior Front-End Engineer with 6+ years of experience in developing innovative UI/UX using technologies like React, TypeScript, GraphQL, Next.js, AWS, and GCP. Expert in front-end and mobile development, skilled in back-end technologies with Node.js. Proficient in Test-Driven Development (TDD) and related tools, with a strong grasp of best programming practices and Domain-Driven Design (DDD). Experienced in performance optimization, resolving complex bugs, and enhancing user experience. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams, promoting Agile methodologies, and providing mentoring to colleagues, friends, and connections
Technologies: React, TypeScript, GraphQL, Redux, Next.js, Ionic, Mobile, Node, Serverless, Spring Boot, UI/UX, Vue, and more.


Senior Software Engineer at seasonshare

Mobile friendly
Design System
Project Management
Client Communication
Requirement Analysis
  • Working on both front-end and back-end development for a LivePass administration dashboard and a client-sharing solution with Metabase integration.
  • Designed and built the Redux store framework from the ground up to support the new version of Flex, ensuring efficient data management and state synchronization.
  • Enabling seamless data exchange for the game selection, seat reservation, and payment processes.
  • Implemented user-friendly features such as gift card purchase, gift card redeem, and credit addition to enhance the platform's usability and customer satisfaction.

Senior Software Engineer as freelancer

React Native
Design System
Project Management
Client Communication
Requirement Analysis
  • Collaborated in the development of a health application for the U.S. market.
  • Focused on centralizing patient blood test results through a React Native app, primarily targeting iOS devices.
  • Ensured seamless integration of blood test data from third-party providers and partner laboratories.
  • Facilitated improved patient-doctor communication by providing a consolidated view of patient health history.

Senior Software Engineer as freelancer

React Native
Design System
Project Management
Client Communication
Requirement Analysis
  • Designed and implemented a cross-platform mobile application using React Native.
  • Focused on Android platform for tourism promotion, customizing the app's content based on the city or event.
  • Created individualized mobile apps for cities and events, each with its own unique branding and content.
  • Achieved codebase reuse, optimizing development efficiency.
  • Managed project scope and timelines to meet client expectations.
  • Collaborated with designers to translate concepts into functional UI/UX.

Senior Software Engineer聽at聽KMF / XHQ (X-Team) 馃嚭馃嚫

  • Contributed to developing, maintaining, and enhancing the company's internal back-office application, including optimizing the invoicing system (using React, Typescript, and testing-library).
  • Designed new features that utilized APIs which improved performance and scalability (using Firebase, Node, and TypeScript).
  • Maintained existing software features, resolved defects, tested and deployed software.
  • Created a Back-End infrastructure that provided a lightweight architecture with high functionality (using TypeScript).

Senior Front-End Engineer聽at聽Lemonlight (X-Team) 馃嚭馃嚫

Ruby on Rails
  • Developed numerous solutions to upgrade packages that improved the company's ability to control and manage products (using TypeScript).
  • Resolved complex bugs and optimized processes that boosted performance and the User Experience.
  • Maintained CI/CD pipelines which ensured the efficient building, testing, and deployment of new implementations.
  • Built an auto-table-generator that improved Back-End administrative efforts.

Senior Front-End Engineer聽at X-Team games (X-Team) 馃嚭馃嚫

Phaser 3
  • Developed an innovative web game for an audio streaming application which increased user engagement (using Next and TypeScript).
  • Created a command-line application for an audio streaming chat service which boosted customer care practices and raised user retention.
  • Designed and implemented a robust backup routine for the applications on Google Cloud which minimized the risk of data loss.

Senior Front-End Engineer聽at聽Beachbody (X-Team) 馃嚭馃嚫

Algolia Search Engine
  • Enhanced a module used by two applications with a new filter feature that assisted customer fitness class searches (using GraphQL).
  • Improved a scheduling application with calendar integrations and new custom functionality that replaced Enzyme utilities.
  • Analyzed the BODi Web Platform and integrated fixes that reduced and resolved issues.
  • Mentored and assisted colleagues in TypeScript which ensured high-quality code was produced and all project standards were met.
  • Integrated a Micro Front-End with various features, including payment, login, and top bar (using React and TypeScript).

Senior Front-End Engineer聽at聽Luizalabs (Magazineluiza) 馃嚙馃嚪

Automated Testing
Micro Frontend
  • Worked and collaborated with multiple cross-functional teams to develop a digital marketplace for Magazine Luiza.
  • Helped to bring Micro Front-end using Weback Federation
  • Wrote high-quality, easy-to-use, and reusable code for the system's component library.
  • Created informative instructional videos that taught industry best React practices for Luizalabs.
  • Promoted Extreme Programming (XP) methodology and culture that strengthened development practices and increased collaboration (using React, Next, Typescript, and Redux).

Senior Front-End Engineer聽at聽Zup 馃嚛馃嚜馃嚙馃嚪

Automated Testing
Micro Frontend
Frontend optimization
  • Developed multiple telemetry applications used by truck and bus fleets inside LATAM for a large German company which improved data collection and business logistics.
  • Participated in two initiatives of knowledge sharing and taught classes about functional programming that enhanced student confidence and skill sets.
  • Presented information on design patterns to the entire unit (approximately 40 colleagues) that resulted in future completed projects that met industry best standards.
  • Created testing procedures for TypeScript code and rewrote critical parts of the project which reduced maintenance and errors.
  • Implemented skeleton screens over spinner loading, custom D3 graphs for the client, and better caching with SWR that enhanced functionality and accessibility.
  • Utilized the iFrame strategy for a Front-End project that provided separated HTML components and boosted efficiency.
  • Collaborated with and assisted the Back-End team in a Spring Boot environment to allow for greater scalability.
  • Built testing procedures in a React environment that adhered to the Extreme Programming (XP) approach to software delivery.

Front-End Engineer聽at聽NG Informatica 馃嚙馃嚪

Cypress (E2E)
  • Created new Front-End features and maintained existing ones for multiple applications (using React, TypeScript, and GraphQL).
  • Collaborated with teams and stakeholders within the company to share knowledge about software development and current projects.
  • Organized retrospectives and weekly schedules to ensure project timelines were met.
  • Designed and led a project with Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and created End-to-End Testing procedures (using Cypress in a React environment).

2015 - 2018

Front-end Enginner at CoBlue OKR 馃嚙馃嚪

  • I facilitated the adoption of agile methodologies, including daily stand-up meetings and sprints.
  • I proposed a new architecture for the main OKR application, streamlining the implementation of the KPI module.
  • I provided maintenance for an application developed with VueJS and Bootstrap components. My proposed update was built using ReactJS and Ant Design.

Fullstack Web Developer at Self-Employed 馃嚙馃嚪

  • Simple application to display graphs in frontend
  • Utilized React for improved data analysis in SSBI projects on the web
  • Backend written in NodeJS for use with Firebase data environment
  • Worked on backend development for a credit cooperative

FullStack Web and Mobile Developer at Envolve Labs 馃嚙馃嚪

  • Completed architecture and coding of first proposal to client
  • Solution for a refrigerated truck company
  • Headquarter and subsidiary companies viewed on Angular web application
  • Driver's view on an Ionic application
  • Backend developed in Firebase
  • Familiarity with Angular, Ionic, and Firebase was reason for choice
  • Hired two developers for maintenance of application post-development

Researcher and Web Developer at TOTVS 馃嚙馃嚪

  • First work as researcher and web developer
  • Worked with Angular and Typescript
  • Project to create a component library for company (THF, now PO UI)
  • Developed VSCode extension with code snippets for the component library
  • Contributed to creation of new components
  • Implemented improved unit tests for components

University Researcher at Cat贸lica de Santa Catarina 馃嚙馃嚪

As a Researcher at Centro Universit谩rio - Cat贸lica de Santa Catarina from August 2015 to August 2017, I gained valuable experience in software development and research. During my tenure, I worked on two distinct projects:
  1. Utilization of Camunda BPMN 2.0, Java, and AngularJS to develop business process models using a set of BPMN rules.
  1. Creation of presentations on tools such as Git, GitHub, JUnit, OpenIot, LaTex, and Arduino. These presentations highlighted the usage of these tools in the project.
These projects provided me with a unique opportunity to apply my technical skills and gain expertise in utilizing various software tools to drive effective business processes.



My "native" programming language, I've worked with it for over 6 years. I've used it in the front-end with React and Redux, in the back-end for APIs with Node and Express, and for testing automation using Mocha and later on, Jest on backend and Cypress, Enzyme, @testing-library on frontend.


TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving me and my team a better tooling for easier scaling because of yours easy maintainability


The opportunities I had to work on backend as a full-stack and personal studies, that I open to work again to have a better experience over only be a full-stack focused on front-end


Testing strategies are my passion, because with Typescript it makes the code maintainability easier and help newcomers understand the code鈥檚 component goals, with unit testing, regression testing, E2E Cypress and easier access to the production code (Storybook, Staging) for QA testing

Storybook / UI/UX / Figma

All those 03 areas together makes the front-end more cohesive, from the Figma side with design-tokens the designers won鈥檛 just give random PX numbers or colors, and with Stroybook together with chromatic to have visual regression tests helps to have a design team be confident that the front-end didn鈥檛 change something on front-end without awareness from the design team


English 馃嚭馃嚫

Advanced Speaker

Portuguese 馃嚙馃嚪

Native speaker


Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems

2015 - 2018 / Centro Universit谩rio - Cat贸lica de Santa Catarina

Postgraduate Degree in Modern Education: Methodologies, Trends and Student Focus | 2022 Edition

2022 - 2023 / Pontif铆cia Universidade Cat贸lica do Rio Grande do Sul