Tools to help to test:
I will just replicate here what we found on @testing-library home page because it's already a very awesome summary where I share the same thoughts:
Complete and straightforward testing utilities that encourage good testing practices. The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.
What are the straightforward points of the library proposal:
Write maintainable code: Tests only break when your app breaks, not implementation details.
Develop with Confidence: Interact with your app the same way as your users.
Accessible by Default: Built-in selectors find elements the way users do to help you write inclusive code.
The problem (code from:
describe("RangeCounterA", () => { let component; beforeEach(() => { component = mount(<RangeCounterA />); }); describe("when incrementing counter is allowed", () => { it("updates counter value correctly", () => { component.instance().incrementCounter(); expect(component.state().counter).toEqual(1); expect(component.state().hasEdited).toEqual(true); }); }); });
With @testing-library:
describe("RangeCounterB", () => { describe("when incrementing counter is allowed", () => { it("updates the counter value", async () => { const { getByTestId, getByText } = render(<RangeCounterB min={2} />); const incrementButton = getByText("+");; expect(getByTestId("counter-value").innerHTML).toEqual("3"); }); }); });
But we can do something similar with Enzyme, testing the result not the implementation following testing-library philosophy of testing; in the following code first, you will see how to test with Enzyme following testing-library principles, then you will see the same test, but with testing-library:
// components/Calendar/__tests__/Calendar.test.tsx describe('<Calendar /> with Enzyme', () => { const setup = makeSetupComponent({ component: Calendar }); test('should have integration with the toolbar', () => { const { component } = setup(); const toolbar = component.find('[data-testid="toolbar"]'); expect(toolbar.children()).toHaveLength(9); const toolbarText = toolbar.text(); expect(toolbarText).toContain(moment(; expect(component.find('p').at(0).text()).toContain('Current view: week'); const toolbarNextButton = toolbar.find('button').at(2); expect(toolbarNextButton.text()).toContain('Next'); toolbarNextButton.simulate('click'); const toolbarMonthButton = toolbar.find('button').at(5); expect(toolbarMonthButton.text()).toContain('month'); toolbarMonthButton.simulate('click'); const updatedToolbarText =; const expectedToolbarDate = moment(new Date(2021, 3, 19)).format(DATE_FORMATS.TOOLBAR_LABEL); expect(updatedToolbarText).toContain(expectedToolbarDate); expect(component.find('p').at(0).text()).toContain('Current view: month'); }); test('should have integration with DateCellWrapper', () => { const { component } = setup(); const toolbarMonthButton = component.find('[data-testid="toolbar"]').find('button').at(5); expect(toolbarMonthButton.text()).toContain('month'); toolbarMonthButton.simulate('click'); component.find('[data-testid="dataCellWrapper-button"]').at(4).simulate('click'); const sideColumnAgenda = component.find('.rbc-agenda-table').at(1).text(); expect(sideColumnAgenda).toContain('All Day Event very long title'); }); }); describe('<Calendar /> with @testing-library', () => { test('should have integration with the toolbar', () => { render(<Calendar />); expect(screen.queryByText(moment(; expect(screen.queryByText('Current view: week')).toBeTruthy();'button', { name: 'Next' }));'button', { name: 'month' })); expect(screen.queryByText('Current view: month')).toBeTruthy(); expect(screen.getAllByTestId('toolbar')).toHaveLength(2); }); test('should have integration with DateCellWrapper', () => { const { container } = render(<Calendar />);'button', { name: 'month' }));'dataCellWrapper-button')[4]); expect(container.getElementsByClassName('rbc-agenda-event-cell')[0].textContent).toContain( 'All Day Event very long title', ); }); test('Renders modal when clicking calendar event', () => { // solution to make typescript understand that this is a mock and avoid the error // mockImplementationOnce does not exist on type useInteractiveClasses const useInteractiveClassesMock = useInteractiveClasses as jest.Mock< IInteractiveClassesProviderValue >; useInteractiveClassesMock.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ classInstances: [ { ...mockClassInstances(new Date())[0], start: new Date('2021-04-19'), end: new Date('2021-04-19'), title: 'All Day Event very long title', subCategory: '', trainerName: '', }, ], })); render(<Calendar />); expect(screen.queryByText('All Day Event very long title')).toBeTruthy();'All Day Event very long title')); expect(screen.queryByText('Edit')).toBeTruthy();'Edit')); expect(screen.queryByText('Cancel')).toBeTruthy();'Cancel')); }); });
How to test forms with testing-library
Independently of the form's library that you're using, this is the way of testing following testing-library principles:
import React from 'react' import { render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react' import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event' import { MyForm } from './myForm.js' test('rendering and submitting a basic Formik form', async () => { const handleSubmit = jest.fn() render(<MyForm onSubmit={handleSubmit} />) userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText(/first name/i), 'John') userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText(/last name/i), 'Dee') userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText(/email/i), '')'button', { name: /submit/i })) await waitFor(() => expect(handleSubmit).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ email: '', firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Dee', }, expect.anything()) ) })
Custom renders
On testing-library you supposed to create a custom render for every Wrapper you want to create; for that, you have two ways. The first way is:
function Wrapper({ children }) { return <IntlProvider locale={locale}>{children}</IntlProvider> } function customRender(ui, options) { return render(<Wrapper>{ui}</Wrapper>, options }) }
The second way is:
function Wrapper({ children }) { return <IntlProvider locale={locale}>{children}</IntlProvider> } function customRender(ui, options) { return render(ui, { wrapper: Wrapper, ...options } }) }
I do I prefer the first way? It's because if you use the
API in options
on your test, you'll still be able to do it; setupComponent on testing-library with a customRender
I did check that on Beachbody we have the
function, that when we translate to testing-library, it's a customRender
with multiple component wrappers inside. To understand what I did, check the following sections. MockDateWrapper - test_utils/testing-library/MockDateWrapper.tsx
This was the simplest one, I just need to mock the date-time; the default dat always will be 19 of December of 2021; I'm using
because it already solve the problem and we don't need to create a unit test for this function;
import MockDate from 'mockdate'; const MockDateWrapper = ({ children, mockDate = '2021-12-19', }: { children: JSX.Element; mockDate?: string; }): JSX.Element => { MockDate.set(mockDate); return children; }; export default MockDateWrapper;
ThemeWrapper - test_utils/testing-library/ThemeWrapper.tsx
We need to provide the
to the components; for that I did the ThemeWrapper
it basically is a render
with the default theme of the project; if some reason you need to use a custom theme, you just provide it to this wrapper:import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components'; import GlobalStyle from 'styles/GlobalStyle'; import theme from 'styles/theme'; const ThemeWrapper = ({ children, customTheme, }: { children: JSX.Element; customTheme?: Record<string, unknown>; }): JSX.Element => ( <> <GlobalStyle theme={customTheme ?? theme} /> <ThemeProvider theme={customTheme ?? theme}>{children}</ThemeProvider> </> ); export default ThemeWrapper;
IntlProviderWrapper - test_utils/testing-library/IntlProviderWrapper.tsx
is be using on blue-label setupComponent
, so I did a wrapper for the react-intl
here too; the default behavior is to use the en
locale as default:
import { IntlProvider, ResolvedIntlConfig } from 'react-intl'; const IntlProviderWrapper = ({ children, intl, }: { children: JSX.Element; intl?: { defaultLocale?: ResolvedIntlConfig['defaultLocale']; locale: ResolvedIntlConfig['locale']; messages?: ResolvedIntlConfig['messages']; }; }): JSX.Element => { if (!intl?.locale) { return children; } const { defaultLocale, locale, messages } = intl; return ( <IntlProvider messages={messages} defaultLocale={defaultLocale} locale={locale}> {children} </IntlProvider> ); }; export default IntlProviderWrapper;
In your computer it will probably never suffer fail with internationalization, but on Travis, it maybe can happen; to solve this problem you need to call
of test_utils/testing-library/intlMock.js
as I did here:
// test_utils/testing-library/tests/IntlProviderWrapper.test.tsx ... setupTests(); describe('IntlProviderWrapper', () => { MockDate.set('2021-12-24'); test('using locale format and message parameter', () => { ....
ReduxWrapper - test_utils/testing-library/ReduxWrapper.tsx
We have a component that requires Redux; for this reason, this component is used on
. To create the store with Redux, I did the same way we already are be doing on blue-label setupComponent
; The wrapper itself is straightforward, as you can read here:
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import merge from 'lodash/merge'; import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store'; import injectMiddleware from 'test_utils/injectMiddleware'; import { createPromise } from 'redux-promise-middleware'; import { baseComponentReduxState } from 'test_utils'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; const ReduxWrapper = ({ children, initialState = {}, includeBaseComponentState = false, }: { children: JSX.Element; initialState?: Record<string, unknown>; includeBaseComponentState?: boolean; }): JSX.Element => { const middlewares = [ injectMiddleware({ fetch, thunk, }), createPromise({ promiseTypeSuffixes: ['START', 'SUCCESS', 'ERROR'] }), ]; const mockStore = configureStore(middlewares); const store = mockStore( merge({}, includeBaseComponentState ? baseComponentReduxState : {}, initialState), ); return <Provider store={store}>{children}</Provider>; }; export default ReduxWrapper;
The problem comes when you need to understand how to test a component with Redux using this wrapper; on his unit test you can check that I did the full boilerplate of a redux component to test, here:
import { createContext, useContext } from 'react'; import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import { ReactReduxContext } from 'react-redux'; import { baseComponentReduxState } from 'test_utils/tests'; import ReduxWrapper from '../ReduxWrapper'; type Hello = { stringValue: string }; export const TemplateStateContext = createContext<Hello>({} as Hello); function TemplateProvider({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }): JSX.Element { const value: Hello = { stringValue: 'empty', }; return <TemplateStateContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</TemplateStateContext.Provider>; } function useTemplateSelector(): Hello { return useContext(TemplateStateContext); } export function TemplateSelectorProvider(): JSX.Element { return ( <TemplateProvider> <TemplateSelector /> </TemplateProvider> ); } export function TemplateSelector(): JSX.Element { const { stringValue } = useTemplateSelector(); return <h1>final: {stringValue}</h1>; } describe('<ReduxWrapper />', () => { test('should render redux with the default paramanters', () => { render( <ReduxWrapper> <TemplateSelectorProvider /> </ReduxWrapper>, ); expect(screen.getByText('final: empty')).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should receive the includeBaseComponentState default value of context', () => { const ComponentWithBaseState = () => { const { store } = useContext(ReactReduxContext); expect(store.getState()).toStrictEqual(baseComponentReduxState); return <div>componentWithBaseState</div>; }; render( <ReduxWrapper includeBaseComponentState> <ComponentWithBaseState /> </ReduxWrapper>, ); }); });
The customRender - test_utils/testing-library/customRender.tsx
Here we glue everything together to create functionality like
with Enzyme, but on testing-library:
import { queries, Queries, render, RenderOptions, RenderResult } from '@testing-library/react'; import { ResolvedIntlConfig } from 'react-intl'; import ContextWrapper from './ContextWrapper'; import ThemeWrapper from './ThemeWrapper'; import MockDateWrapper from './MockDateWrapper'; import IntlProviderWrapper from './IntlProviderWrapper'; import ReduxWrapper from './ReduxWrapper'; export function customRender< ContextType, Q extends Queries = typeof queries, Container extends Element | DocumentFragment = HTMLElement >( ui: JSX.Element, customOptions?: { context?: { Context: React.Context<ContextType>; providerProps: ContextType }; theme?: Record<string, unknown>; mockDate?: string; intl?: { defaultLocale?: ResolvedIntlConfig['defaultLocale']; locale: ResolvedIntlConfig['locale']; messages?: ResolvedIntlConfig['messages']; }; }, options: Omit<RenderOptions<Q, Container>, 'queries'> = {}, ): RenderResult<Q, Container> { return render( <ContextWrapper context={customOptions?.context}> <ThemeWrapper customTheme={customOptions?.theme}> <MockDateWrapper mockDate={customOptions?.mockDate}> <IntlProviderWrapper intl={customOptions?.intl}> <ReduxWrapper>{ui}</ReduxWrapper> </IntlProviderWrapper> </MockDateWrapper> </ThemeWrapper> </ContextWrapper>, options, ); } export default customRender;
The same type-safe of the render from testing-library, but with multiple
like on setupComponent
; I didn't the use of options
to use all those wrappers in case that we want to use this same parameter for something more in our unit testing.
To understand what custom options belongs to which wrapper, you can read this unit test, check the test
import { screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import defaultTheme from 'styles/theme'; import customRender from '../customRender'; import { CustomContext, ComponentUsignCustomContext, ICustomContext } from './ContextWrapper.test'; import { MyComponentWithTheme } from './ThemeWrapper.test'; import { ComponentWithNewDate } from './MockDateWrapper.test'; import { TemplateSelectorProvider } from './ReduxWrapper.test'; describe('customRender', () => { test('should render without options', () => { customRender(<h1>empty</h1>); expect(screen.getByText('empty')).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should render with Context', () => { customRender<ICustomContext>(<ComponentUsignCustomContext />, { context: { Context: CustomContext, providerProps: { value: 'context' } }, }); expect(screen.getByText('context')).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should render with theme', () => { customRender(<MyComponentWithTheme data-testid="styled-component" />); expect(screen.getByTestId('styled-component')).toHaveStyleRule( 'background-color', defaultTheme.whiteBG, ); }); test('should render with specic date time', () => { customRender(<ComponentWithNewDate />); expect(screen.getByTestId('date')).toHaveTextContent('Sun Dec 19 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0000'); }); test('should render with redux', () => { customRender(<TemplateSelectorProvider />); expect(screen.getByText('final: empty')).toBeTruthy(); }); });
In case that you need to use
to multiple wrappers, you just pass it on the second paramanter of the customRender
; the third paramanter of customRender
is reserved to the options
of the testign-library's render
P.S: Check the type safe on the unit testing with Context using the interface ICustomContext
... test('should render with Context', () => { customRender<ICustomContext>(<ComponentUsignCustomContext />, { context: { Context: CustomContext, providerProps: { value: 'context' } }, }); ...
- Covered the same test_utils from the enzyme, but on @testing-library;
- Now we just need to use the
, to work similarly tosetupComponent
- A small text explaining how to use this test_utils and @testing-library; for better details, check the unit test details;
- I already replaced the custonRender I created on @nicollasmatheus's PR to use the new
Coverage screenshots

Tools to help to test:
P.S: Check the unit test here (line 46 and bellow just): components/DatePicker/tests/DatePicker.test.tsx; I'm not just testing if the element exists to complete the coverage; it also has a workaround with react-datepicker component HTML query using his
instead of getSomething
of testing-library.Introduction
I will just replicate here what we found on @testing-library home page because it's already a very awesome summary where I share the same thoughts:
Complete and straightforward testing utilities that encourage good testing practices. The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.
What are the straightforward points of the library proposal:
Write maintainable code: Tests only break when your app breaks, not implementation details.
Develop with Confidence: Interact with your app the same way as your users.
Accessible by Default: Built-in selectors find elements the way users do to help you write inclusive code.
The problem (code from:
describe("RangeCounterA", () => { let component; beforeEach(() => { component = mount(<RangeCounterA />); }); describe("when incrementing counter is allowed", () => { it("updates counter value correctly", () => { component.instance().incrementCounter(); expect(component.state().counter).toEqual(1); expect(component.state().hasEdited).toEqual(true); }); }); });
With @testing-library:
describe("RangeCounterB", () => { describe("when incrementing counter is allowed", () => { it("updates the counter value", async () => { const { getByTestId, getByText } = render(<RangeCounterB min={2} />); const incrementButton = getByText("+");; expect(getByTestId("counter-value").innerHTML).toEqual("3"); }); }); });
But we can do something similar with Enzyme, testing the result not the implementation following testing-library philosophy of testing; in the following code first, you will see how to test with Enzyme following testing-library principles, then you will see the same test, but with testing-library:
// components/Calendar/__tests__/Calendar.test.tsx describe('<Calendar /> with Enzyme', () => { const setup = makeSetupComponent({ component: Calendar }); test('should have integration with the toolbar', () => { const { component } = setup(); const toolbar = component.find('[data-testid="toolbar"]'); expect(toolbar.children()).toHaveLength(9); const toolbarText = toolbar.text(); expect(toolbarText).toContain(moment(; expect(component.find('p').at(0).text()).toContain('Current view: week'); const toolbarNextButton = toolbar.find('button').at(2); expect(toolbarNextButton.text()).toContain('Next'); toolbarNextButton.simulate('click'); const toolbarMonthButton = toolbar.find('button').at(5); expect(toolbarMonthButton.text()).toContain('month'); toolbarMonthButton.simulate('click'); const updatedToolbarText =; const expectedToolbarDate = moment(new Date(2021, 3, 19)).format(DATE_FORMATS.TOOLBAR_LABEL); expect(updatedToolbarText).toContain(expectedToolbarDate); expect(component.find('p').at(0).text()).toContain('Current view: month'); }); test('should have integration with DateCellWrapper', () => { const { component } = setup(); const toolbarMonthButton = component.find('[data-testid="toolbar"]').find('button').at(5); expect(toolbarMonthButton.text()).toContain('month'); toolbarMonthButton.simulate('click'); component.find('[data-testid="dataCellWrapper-button"]').at(4).simulate('click'); const sideColumnAgenda = component.find('.rbc-agenda-table').at(1).text(); expect(sideColumnAgenda).toContain('All Day Event very long title'); }); }); describe('<Calendar /> with @testing-library', () => { test('should have integration with the toolbar', () => { render(<Calendar />); expect(screen.queryByText(moment(; expect(screen.queryByText('Current view: week')).toBeTruthy();'button', { name: 'Next' }));'button', { name: 'month' })); expect(screen.queryByText('Current view: month')).toBeTruthy(); expect(screen.getAllByTestId('toolbar')).toHaveLength(2); }); test('should have integration with DateCellWrapper', () => { const { container } = render(<Calendar />);'button', { name: 'month' }));'dataCellWrapper-button')[4]); expect(container.getElementsByClassName('rbc-agenda-event-cell')[0].textContent).toContain( 'All Day Event very long title', ); }); test('Renders modal when clicking calendar event', () => { // solution to make typescript understand that this is a mock and avoid the error // mockImplementationOnce does not exist on type useInteractiveClasses const useInteractiveClassesMock = useInteractiveClasses as jest.Mock< IInteractiveClassesProviderValue >; useInteractiveClassesMock.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ classInstances: [ { ...mockClassInstances(new Date())[0], start: new Date('2021-04-19'), end: new Date('2021-04-19'), title: 'All Day Event very long title', subCategory: '', trainerName: '', }, ], })); render(<Calendar />); expect(screen.queryByText('All Day Event very long title')).toBeTruthy();'All Day Event very long title')); expect(screen.queryByText('Edit')).toBeTruthy();'Edit')); expect(screen.queryByText('Cancel')).toBeTruthy();'Cancel')); }); });
How to test forms with testing-library
Independently of the form's library that you're using, this is the way of testing following testing-library principles:
dimport React from 'react' import { render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react' import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event' import { MyForm } from './myForm.js' test('rendering and submitting a basic Formik form', async () => { const handleSubmit = jest.fn() render(<MyForm onSubmit={handleSubmit} />) userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText(/first name/i), 'John') userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText(/last name/i), 'Dee') userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText(/email/i), '')'button', { name: /submit/i })) await waitFor(() => expect(handleSubmit).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ email: '', firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Dee', }, expect.anything()) ) })
Resilient tests for the future!
Make the unit test harder to break following @samwhiteiv comment on this PR:
My one note would be maybe we consider using data-testid in these scenarios or a regex like:'cardio'), { exact: false });
as the copy in these buttons could change causing the tests to break.Custom renders
On testing-library you supposed to create a custom render for every Wrapper you want to create; for that, you have two ways. The first way is:
function Wrapper({ children }) { return <IntlProvider locale={locale}>{children}</IntlProvider> } function customRender(ui, options) { return render(<Wrapper>{ui}</Wrapper>, options }) }
The second way is:
function Wrapper({ children }) { return <IntlProvider locale={locale}>{children}</IntlProvider> } function customRender(ui, options) { return render(ui, { wrapper: Wrapper, ...options } }) }
I do I prefer the first way? It's because if you use the
API in options
on your test, you'll still be able to do it;setupComponent on testing-library with a customRender
I did check that on Beachbody we have the
function, that when we translate to testing-library, it's a customRender
with multiple component wrappers inside. To understand what I did, check the following sections.*customRerender - test_utils/testing-library/customRender.tsx
Similar to
you don't need to re-write the same component every time you want to test the same component but with different props, following @armova suggestion I did this implementation. You can check here a simple example:test('should update the props with rerender', () => { type ICustomComponent = { name: string }; const CustoComponent = ({ name }: ICustomComponent): JSX.Element => <h1>{name}</h1>; // DON'T FORGET TO TYPE THE PROPS! It will help you! const firstProps: ICustomComponent = { name: 'hello', }; const { customRerender } = customRender<ICustomComponent>(<CustoComponent {...firstProps} />); expect(screen.getByText('hello')).toBeTruthy(); const secondProps: ICustomComponent = { name: 'abc', }; customRerender(secondProps); expect(screen.getByText('abc')).toBeTruthy(); });
MockDateWrapper - test_utils/testing-library/MockDateWrapper.tsx
This was the simplest one, I just need to mock the date-time; the default date always will be 19 of December of 2021; I'm using
because it already solve the problem and we don't need to create a unit test for this function;import MockDate from 'mockdate'; const MockDateWrapper = ({ children, mockDate = '2021-12-19', }: { children: JSX.Element; mockDate?: string; }): JSX.Element => { MockDate.set(mockDate); return children; }; export default MockDateWrapper;
ThemeWrapper - test_utils/testing-library/ThemeWrapper.tsx
We need to provide the
to the components; for that I did the ThemeWrapper
it basically is a render
with the default theme of the project; if some reason you need to use a custom theme, you just provide it to this wrapper:import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components'; import GlobalStyle from 'styles/GlobalStyle'; import theme from 'styles/theme'; const ThemeWrapper = ({ children, customTheme, }: { children: JSX.Element; customTheme?: Record<string, unknown>; }): JSX.Element => ( <> <GlobalStyle theme={customTheme ?? theme} /> <ThemeProvider theme={customTheme ?? theme}>{children}</ThemeProvider> </> ); export default ThemeWrapper;
IntlProviderWrapper - test_utils/testing-library/IntlProviderWrapper.tsx
is be using on blue-label setupComponent
, so I did a wrapper for the react-intl
here too; the default behavior is to use the en
locale as default:import { IntlProvider, ResolvedIntlConfig } from 'react-intl'; const IntlProviderWrapper = ({ children, intl, }: { children: JSX.Element; intl?: { defaultLocale?: ResolvedIntlConfig['defaultLocale']; locale: ResolvedIntlConfig['locale']; messages?: ResolvedIntlConfig['messages']; }; }): JSX.Element => { if (!intl?.locale) { return children; } const { defaultLocale, locale, messages } = intl; return ( <IntlProvider messages={messages} defaultLocale={defaultLocale} locale={locale}> {children} </IntlProvider> ); }; export default IntlProviderWrapper;
In your computer it will probably never suffer fail with internationalization, but on Travis, it maybe can happen; to solve this problem you need to call
of test_utils/testing-library/intlMock.js
as I did here:// test_utils/testing-library/**tests**/IntlProviderWrapper.test.tsx ... setupTests(); describe('IntlProviderWrapper', () => { MockDate.set('2021-12-24'); test('using locale format and message parameter', () => { ....
ReduxWrapper - test_utils/testing-library/ReduxWrapper.tsx
We have a component that requires Redux; for this reason, this component is used on
. To create the store with Redux, I did the same way we already are be doing on blue-label setupComponent
; The wrapper itself is straightforward, as you can read here:import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import merge from 'lodash/merge'; import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store'; import injectMiddleware from 'test_utils/injectMiddleware'; import { createPromise } from 'redux-promise-middleware'; import { baseComponentReduxState } from 'test_utils'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; const ReduxWrapper = ({ children, initialState = {}, includeBaseComponentState = false, }: { children: JSX.Element; initialState?: Record<string, unknown>; includeBaseComponentState?: boolean; }): JSX.Element => { const middlewares = [ injectMiddleware({ fetch, thunk, }), createPromise({ promiseTypeSuffixes: ['START', 'SUCCESS', 'ERROR'] }), ]; const mockStore = configureStore(middlewares); const store = mockStore( merge({}, includeBaseComponentState ? baseComponentReduxState : {}, initialState), ); return <Provider store={store}>{children}</Provider>; }; export default ReduxWrapper;
The problem comes when you need to understand how to test a component with Redux using this wrapper; on his unit test you can check that I did the full boilerplate of a redux component to test, here:
import { createContext, useContext } from 'react'; import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import { ReactReduxContext } from 'react-redux'; import { baseComponentReduxState } from 'test_utils/tests'; import ReduxWrapper from '../ReduxWrapper'; type Hello = { stringValue: string }; export const TemplateStateContext = createContext<Hello>({} as Hello); function TemplateProvider({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }): JSX.Element { const value: Hello = { stringValue: 'empty', }; return <TemplateStateContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</TemplateStateContext.Provider>; } function useTemplateSelector(): Hello { return useContext(TemplateStateContext); } export function TemplateSelectorProvider(): JSX.Element { return ( <TemplateProvider> <TemplateSelector /> </TemplateProvider> ); } export function TemplateSelector(): JSX.Element { const { stringValue } = useTemplateSelector(); return <h1>final: {stringValue}</h1>; } describe('<ReduxWrapper />', () => { test('should render redux with the default paramanters', () => { render( <ReduxWrapper> <TemplateSelectorProvider /> </ReduxWrapper>, ); expect(screen.getByText('final: empty')).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should receive the includeBaseComponentState default value of context', () => { const ComponentWithBaseState = () => { const { store } = useContext(ReactReduxContext); expect(store.getState()).toStrictEqual(baseComponentReduxState); return <div>componentWithBaseState</div>; }; render( <ReduxWrapper includeBaseComponentState> <ComponentWithBaseState /> </ReduxWrapper>, ); }); });
The customRender - test_utils/testing-library/customRender.tsx
Here we glue everything together to create functionality like
with Enzyme, but on testing-library:import { queries, Queries, render, RenderOptions, RenderResult } from '@testing-library/react'; import { ResolvedIntlConfig } from 'react-intl'; import ContextWrapper from './ContextWrapper'; import ThemeWrapper from './ThemeWrapper'; import MockDateWrapper from './MockDateWrapper'; import IntlProviderWrapper from './IntlProviderWrapper'; import ReduxWrapper from './ReduxWrapper'; export function customRender< ContextType, Q extends Queries = typeof queries, Container extends Element | DocumentFragment = HTMLElement >( ui: JSX.Element, customOptions?: { context?: { Context: React.Context<ContextType>; providerProps: ContextType }; theme?: Record<string, unknown>; mockDate?: string; intl?: { defaultLocale?: ResolvedIntlConfig['defaultLocale']; locale: ResolvedIntlConfig['locale']; messages?: ResolvedIntlConfig['messages']; }; }, options: Omit<RenderOptions<Q, Container>, 'queries'> = {}, ): RenderResult<Q, Container> { return render( <ContextWrapper context={customOptions?.context}> <ThemeWrapper customTheme={customOptions?.theme}> <MockDateWrapper mockDate={customOptions?.mockDate}> <IntlProviderWrapper intl={customOptions?.intl}> <ReduxWrapper>{ui}</ReduxWrapper> </IntlProviderWrapper> </MockDateWrapper> </ThemeWrapper> </ContextWrapper>, options, ); } export default customRender;
The same type-safe of the render from testing-library, but with multiple
like on setupComponent
; I didn't the use of options
to use all those wrappers in case that we want to use this same parameter for something more in our unit testing.To understand what custom options belongs to which wrapper, you can read this unit test, check the
individually:import { screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import defaultTheme from 'styles/theme'; import customRender from '../customRender'; import { CustomContext, ComponentUsignCustomContext, ICustomContext } from './ContextWrapper.test'; import { MyComponentWithTheme } from './ThemeWrapper.test'; import { ComponentWithNewDate } from './MockDateWrapper.test'; import { TemplateSelectorProvider } from './ReduxWrapper.test'; describe('customRender', () => { test('should render without options', () => { customRender(<h1>empty</h1>); expect(screen.getByText('empty')).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should render with Context', () => { customRender<ICustomContext>(<ComponentUsignCustomContext />, { context: { Context: CustomContext, providerProps: { value: 'context' } }, }); expect(screen.getByText('context')).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should render with theme', () => { customRender(<MyComponentWithTheme data-testid="styled-component" />); expect(screen.getByTestId('styled-component')).toHaveStyleRule( 'background-color', defaultTheme.whiteBG, ); }); test('should render with specic date time', () => { customRender(<ComponentWithNewDate />); expect(screen.getByTestId('date')).toHaveTextContent('Sun Dec 19 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0000'); }); test('should render with redux', () => { customRender(<TemplateSelectorProvider />); expect(screen.getByText('final: empty')).toBeTruthy(); }); });
In case that you need to use
to multiple wrappers, you just pass it on the second paramanter of the customRender
; the third paramanter of customRender
is reserved to the options
of the testing-library's render
P.S: Check the type safe on the unit testing with Context using the interface
:... test('should render with Context', () => { customRender<ICustomContext>(<ComponentUsignCustomContext />, { context: { Context: CustomContext, providerProps: { value: 'context' } }, }); ...